Camp Registration


Register for Camp

This form should be filled in by parents/guardians.
Deadline for early bird: 31st March 2024
EARLY BIRD : £‎200
FULL COST: £‎250 (payment deadline-30th June)

  • Make all payments to:
  • Acct Name: Raising Champion for Christ
  • Bank: TSB
  • Account Number: 03658660
  • Sort Code: 77-71-35
  • Reference: Use your child’s name
Please ensure that you have read through the FAQs before completing the form. If you have any questions,please get in touch.
Contact Form

Camper’s Information

Camper’s Name*
Date of Birth*
Current School Year (as at January 2024)*
Gender *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
Town/City *
Area/Country *
Postcode *
Is this the young person's first time at the CY Camp? *
Would you like to give us permission to use pictures with your kids on our media platforms? *
Does this young person receive additional support in and/or out of school, and/or have a diagnosed condition or any health/medical needs of which we should be aware? *
If yes, please give brief details of the support/diagnosed condition/health needs below. We may contact you for more information:
Does this young person have any dietary requirements? *
If yes, please detail the dietary requirements below:

Emergency Contact Details

First Name(s) Surname
Relationship to Camper
Phone Number