Frequently Asked Questions

It is important that you are aware of the information below before registering for a place at camp.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have a question that isn’t answered below.
  • Q. What is CYC?
    Christian Youth Camp (CYC) is week-long, fun-packed, non- denominational Christian Residential camp for young people between ages 13 to 23. CYC has been running camps since 2018 and through camp many have been positively impacted by God’s love and word. CYC are great for making new friends that share the same faith, doing new and exciting things, having fun and learning about Jesus and His love. All of our camps are led by highly motivated, servant-hearted Youth leaders and ministers who want to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with young people in a relaxed, informal way. There’s a strong focus on the Bible and on its importance for our lives interwoven into all the teachings and activities. Campers will have the opportunity to explore their talents, take part in various activities, games and challenges, as well as to learn more about the Bible and its relevance to their lives through informal daily talks and times for questions and discussion. Campers are encouraged to make the most of this informal setting to ask questions and to explore the Christian faith for themselves.
  • Q. Who is in charge at camp?
    The camps are staffed by volunteers who have been chosen for their gifts, talents and skills. Our leaders and volunteers are all Christians and serve in their local churches where they have been checked and trained to work with Young people. They are also given specific CYC Training to make sure that campers can all get the most out of camp!
  • Q. Who can come to camp?
    Camp is open to youths between ages 13 and 23.
  • Q. How do I book a place at camp?
    After discussing with campers, parents/guardians can register their child/children for CYC using the online registration form. Please ensure that it is the parent/guardian’s email address on the form and NOT the young person’s email address. Spaces are allocated on a first time, first come basis. There is a high demand for CYC so endeavour to register early.
  • Q. What is included in the camp fee?
    All accommodation, meals, activities and travel from designated pick up points to the camp venue are covered by the camp fee.
  • Q. How do I pay?
    By bank transfer to: Acct Name: Raising Champions for Christ. Bank: TSB: Account number: 03658660, Sort code: 77-71-35 Reference: Use your child’s name Please endeavour to make full payment before you register as it helps us cater for all expenses ahead of the Camp start date.
  • Q. How do I get to camp?
    CYC aims to offer chaperoned travel from Milton Keynes, London, Andover and Basingstoke. Parents are also welcome to drop their child/children off at camp and pick them up again afterwards. Travel requirements should be communicated to your contact CYC volunteer when registering for camp. If there are insufficient numbers travelling from your preferred location and we cannot fulfil your transport requirements we will be in touch with you directly.
  • Q. What is the cancellation and refund policy?
    Any cancellation of camp places after 30th of June will be subject to a charge of 20% of the camp fee. No refunds will be issued for camp places cancelled within four weeks of the start of camp, except in emergency situations as costs will already have been incurred.
  • Q. Are there any camp rules?
    While CYC want to keep camp rules to a minimum, some rules are necessary for the safe and smooth running of the camp. A list of rules will be sent to every camper and their parents/guardian prior to camp. In the event of a serious or continued breach of camp rules, CYC reserves the right to ask parents/guardians to come and collect their child from camp.
  • Q. What about health issues?
    Parents/guardians are required to complete a medical questionnaire for their child/children prior to camp as part of the registration process. All medical, social and behavioural issues affecting their child, and potentially other children, must be detailed. CYC staff will maintain confidentiality regarding any issues which are disclosed. Campers can retain their own inhalers, but other medication will be held by the camp Medical Officer and will be issued according to prescriptions/instructions.
  • My child has Additional Support Needs – can they still come to Camp?
    CYC are keen to be as inclusive as possible whilst noting that camps are run by volunteers, and a variety of venues are used from year to year. Parents/guardians of a young person with Additional Support Needs are encouraged to discuss with the CYC Coordinator the suitability of the camp for their child, and whether any support or adjustments needed to help ensure a positive camp experience for their child are an option at the camp. To discuss your requirements, please contact the CYC Coordinator.
  • Q. What happens if someone takes ill or is injured at camp?
    Each camp has a qualified First Aider who will carry out First Aid in the event of an illness or injury. This will be followed by professional medical assistance as necessary. In the event of a serious illness or injury, the parent/guardian will be contacted immediately and, in some circumstances, it may be necessary for the camper to return home.

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