Support RCFC

It is important that you are aware of the information below before registering for a place at camp.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have a question that isn’t answered below.


It costs a lot to pull a camp together. The camp fees only cover the basics, and other expenses are borne by individuals who graciously give to the work. We are hugely appreciative of any donations made to CYC that enable us to continue this work. If you would like to donate to CYC, please make an online bank transfer (using the reference “CYC-Support”), or you can send a cheque, made payable to “Raising Champion for Christ” and including a note to say that the money is to support CYC.

Account Details:

  • Acct Name: Raising Champion for Christ
  • Bank: TSB
  • Account Number: 03658660
  • Sort Code: 77-71-35
  • Reference: CYC-Support


Organising a fundraiser for the work of CYC is a great way to get others involved and to spread the word about the work of CYC. Coffee mornings, bake sales, running a marathon or climbing are examples of fundraiser events that can be used so feel free to get creative! For ideas, resources and information, send an email to us on


Please pray for the work of CYC, not just in the summer but all through the year. Prayers go a very long way and we the CYC team are hugely grateful for the prayerful support of our Christian family.

Become A Volunteer